


Day 17 - Thirty Paintings in Thirty Days

Kelso & Midgee
11" X 14"

Today I started an alcohol ink painting of two cats that belong to a friend. For the first time, I applied masking fluid to my drawing and started dripping and smearing, lol. I've learned a few things: fingerprints show, the ink covers the masking fluid until it is hard to differentiate from the ink lines, making stripes with pooling colors is near impossible.

This piece isn't complete, but I have bigger fish to fry today, so I'm off to the studio to work on some monotypes and mixed media pieces. Perhaps I will work back into this later.

Note: If you think, the larger cat only has three legs, you would be correct. He DOES only have three legs in real life. ;)


Last night, I decided to rework my ink painting. I think I captured the details of the cats much better, even if I lost the fresh white outlines. They served their purpose keeping the background and the cats somewhat separate early in the process. I fixed some areas where the shapes were wrong. I didn't think I would be able to make the ink stripe, but I think that worked out pretty well on both the kitten (Midgee) and the larger cat (Kelso).

I started thinking that perhaps what bothers me about the painting isn't the "painting" at all, but the composition. What do YOU think? Here is a slightly rotated/cropped version.


Unknown said...

Don't forget, if you get a finger print you can drop some ink on it and get rid of it!

I think they cats look great. I love how cats sleep all snuggled together sometimes.

Sheila said...

This is really great!

herschel53 said...

The watercolor stripes on your rework are lovely, Nancy. I'll ask what is alcohol ink when we sea each other. The original orientation of Kelso on his side gave the eye a red herring of a horizon, then the gray cat looked like a ball of yarn at his feet. The crop and rotation helps identify the sleeping situation more quickly. The little yarn ball kitty is exquisite. I would snap this up when this or something similar is ready for sale.

Nancy Murphree Davis said...

Who are you, herschel53? I don't think my friend who owns the cats is interested in the painting. I'd be glad to tell you about the inks. I'm still up in the air as to whether I will use them in the long term for painting, but I just had to try them.

Xanadont said...

Nancy, herschel is your theater buddy for Feb 2nd. Guess I fell under hubby's default login. We'll talk soon :)